Here at Delusional Neanderthal headquarters we get alot of great ideas.
Then some new, shiny, bright idea catches our inner ravens eye, and it's on to the next one.....Well
We are going to finish this if it kills us. This website was supposed to be turned into a travel log. So be it.
Evolution is a Bitch 2.0
(one last diversion b4 we start, wherein we lay blame on ann ancient way of thinking which detoured our evolution into a less linear mode)
what a great distraction those zen books were about living in the moment, without ego. I get some of it, some may not be for me, but the ego to write, thats the rub. Who am i to advise? no one listens to advice anyway. hard learning is the only kind that really sticks, isn't it?
Dateline-WEST PHILLY- (Sometime in April).
I am walking up Lancaster Avenue looking for Brewery, the bread place or that bike place with the good sandwiches.
I get confused in West Philly what with all the trolleys and the poverty twisted up with professors homes into a weird modern braid.
As I get into the 40's on Lancaster and it looks more and more like Nicetown and talk about irony, Nicetown is far from nice and Hello Kitty would never be able to live there. They feed cats to pitbulls in Nicetown.
Anyway, this is where the diversion usually diverts the thoughtstream and takes over, but this is EIB2.0 so we will focus on the TRIANGLES. A memory spraked about this avenue being the one with the OTHER anarchist encleve, the one with the cute librarian and the computers and Baltimore Avenue is the one with all the stuff I was looking for, so I turned around. On my way back towards the dream that I live in I saw a magnificent building perched on the apex of the very scalene triangle that is Hamilton and Lancaster. Tiberino Territory. There are cool ornate carvings on the place and it looks very much like it was once a posh and happening spot.
I'm admiring the faux columns and there's a flashing beer sign and I decide to conduct the next part of the investigation from a barstool. I ask the bartender about the building, what was it backin the day, its a really cool looking , impressive place. He doesn't know anything about it.
"It looks like they are doing work inside the place, I hope it's not being turned into more condos for college kidS." I say
"I dunno, you want something to drink? "
"What do you have for the alcoholic on a budget?"
"Didn't you see the sign in the window? Butch is Back, Dollar High Life 1-6"
"Honey I'm Home!
A little slice of heaven on a sweaty afternoon. The beer is ice cold. I buy a round. 3 bucks. Life is good.
I can get to noon without getting too thirsty. This place seemed perfect for me. After wrestling with words for a few hours in the morning, writing resume's full of half truths and applying for jobs I'm never going to get once they run that credit check I get kind of thirsty. Living the dream is thirsty work. Sometime I get an interview, but then they see the hair and realize that there was some creative writing beig done on my resume and I'm politely rebuffed. People are polite to me because I weigh 292 pounds and look like my name could be "Bubba." Like i'm ready to do some pig wrasslin. Hide the whiskey.
It turns out there's a stage in the place and I start to get excited. A stage I can walk to and me with notebooks full of bad ideas!
The place is called Hawthorne Hall and is part of the "Hidden City" art festival running through June 20. I hear from a little birdy that I can get in for free on Thursday all day. Works for me. I roll into the place just as it seems like they are opening up. The guy behind the ticket window explains the whole deal to me and theres literature. The dirty hippies I sat next to last week at the bar who told me about the stage and their restoration of it didn't mention Triangles. There were triangles all over this place, I found, as I wandered around and poked my head into any opening or stairwell I could. I love funky old buildings and this one had a history behind it.
On the second floor I noticed ladies in diaphonous flowing Gatsby-esque outfits getting ready to start being living art. The Delusional Neanderthal approves of women becoming living art, it's something he has always beeen a staunch supporter of. But being as I was in Bubba mode I didn't want to scare the hotties so I just popped into stairwells and found a beautiful back room full of tiny little triangles and drawings and museum quality relics speaking to the many people who had used this building. There were wide leather straps with hooks which could be used in many applications, tiny little glass knick knacks, triangles within triangles within triangles, things you could feel the cosmic weight of. Things that were important at one time, now out of context, things that were carefully put in a closet for safekeeping and forgotten for 75 years. Sealed in a trunk in the attic.
The Attic of this place was wild indeed. A kind of Dega-ish Last Supper. Full place settings for thrity or so on a weird angle into the distance, like n art school painitng with bad use of perspective some to life. Walking through what look like cabinets one enters a modern gallery of photos of the living art on the other side of the door posing with some of what must be the stuff they dug out of this place and painted. Theyhave done some interesing things in here with the light and I may have to go back and take the full ride because there has been alot of thought put into this. Reading up on the litereature this is an interactive display and one has to go through some sort of initiation and guided sensory meditation and I'm kind of glad I missed that just because I tend to try soak up the spotlight when I am confined in a room. It just happens. I try to be a spectator, but I get impulses and my inner joker becomes unrestrainable. You try walking around with a restless brain, I have a condition, I can't help it.
On the way out I saw a table full of ID cards for the "secret society of Pythagorus" and then all the triangles started to make sense.
If I was the kind of person that carried a wallet this is the kind of cool crap I'd like to keep in my wallet. There are apparently nine funky old spots like this scattered around the city. I'm going to definitely hit up the waterworkd next thursday and Definitely have to hit the Fort, which looks cool as all get out. There is also a place where you get to knit something and that sounds like interactive fun that will be useful when the banks decide to turn the lights off on us and the Zombie Apocalypse happens so I'm definitely going to have to learn to knit for survival.