"Elephant you!'
"Elephant you,too!"
The detective grabs a pipe cleaner. Puts on his funny looking hat.
His bloodhound looks hopefully up from his paws and thumps his tail on the floor.
The pipe means it's thinking time. Time to burn some flowers and fabricate some plausible reality.....
I sit in this coffee shop every morning because the owners are hotties and they allow dogs. It's good for business too. Im a problem solver. In Utero cannibis did something to my brain earrly on. The world holds no mysteries for me except love. But knowing that love is both the solution to most problems as well as the cause of them has allowed me pinpoint focus. It's usually just a matter of finding out what or who the person loves most and starting from there. Since people lie to themselves as often as they breathe for mental clarity I will burn some female reproductive organs of the Indica strain and think on it. Sativa tends to Zombify me. I got work to do today.
The subject is an elfin resident of the city of brotherly love. He takes this love of his brother man to a physical level and it's his hirsuite lover, I reckon, that is heading out the door with all this elephant jive. I thus reckon this because no two men talk that excitedly together in sing song voices unless they are deeply in manlove with each other. The level of affection is of course their own business and I'm happy to see that they living on the fun side of love mountain. Thier lovetrip in full bloom. The question before us is what the hell has it got to do with Pachyderms? Are these Pachyderms Indian or Asian?
I tend to drift when I'm smoking flowerbuds, so i take notes on little index cards I carry with me. The type of elepahnt isn't really the issue here, that's third or fourth level thinking. What is the easiest explanation for this mystery?
ManLove, elephants, delicious Elvis sandwich for breakfast at the Red Hook Cafe' with vegetarian bacon. late for poker dealer school, haerst diamonds clubs, breakfast club, Judd Nelson, whatever happened to him?, "Claire, would you ever date anyone with elephantiasis of the nuts?" Nuts, ManLove Elvis, N.M.E., Enemy Mine, Lou Gosset Junior, Public Enemy, public hair, pubic hair, trumpeting elephants, love trumpet...oh shit, they can't POSSIBLY be referring to their genitalia and EWWW....
The Bear and the elf laughing about what each others manparts resmeble and paying homage to each other in public....
they can't very well say "I enjoy and admire your erection, fuck buddy" now can they??? They are subtle and clever and penetrating prime time, first with will and grace., and now the verbal lexicon, making all refernces to elephants instantly gay and hilarious.....
Or i could have heard them wrong and Im just chasing my tail again.....
time to go to school
"Elephant you,too!"
The detective grabs a pipe cleaner. Puts on his funny looking hat.
His bloodhound looks hopefully up from his paws and thumps his tail on the floor.
The pipe means it's thinking time. Time to burn some flowers and fabricate some plausible reality.....
I sit in this coffee shop every morning because the owners are hotties and they allow dogs. It's good for business too. Im a problem solver. In Utero cannibis did something to my brain earrly on. The world holds no mysteries for me except love. But knowing that love is both the solution to most problems as well as the cause of them has allowed me pinpoint focus. It's usually just a matter of finding out what or who the person loves most and starting from there. Since people lie to themselves as often as they breathe for mental clarity I will burn some female reproductive organs of the Indica strain and think on it. Sativa tends to Zombify me. I got work to do today.
The subject is an elfin resident of the city of brotherly love. He takes this love of his brother man to a physical level and it's his hirsuite lover, I reckon, that is heading out the door with all this elephant jive. I thus reckon this because no two men talk that excitedly together in sing song voices unless they are deeply in manlove with each other. The level of affection is of course their own business and I'm happy to see that they living on the fun side of love mountain. Thier lovetrip in full bloom. The question before us is what the hell has it got to do with Pachyderms? Are these Pachyderms Indian or Asian?
I tend to drift when I'm smoking flowerbuds, so i take notes on little index cards I carry with me. The type of elepahnt isn't really the issue here, that's third or fourth level thinking. What is the easiest explanation for this mystery?
ManLove, elephants, delicious Elvis sandwich for breakfast at the Red Hook Cafe' with vegetarian bacon. late for poker dealer school, haerst diamonds clubs, breakfast club, Judd Nelson, whatever happened to him?, "Claire, would you ever date anyone with elephantiasis of the nuts?" Nuts, ManLove Elvis, N.M.E., Enemy Mine, Lou Gosset Junior, Public Enemy, public hair, pubic hair, trumpeting elephants, love trumpet...oh shit, they can't POSSIBLY be referring to their genitalia and EWWW....
The Bear and the elf laughing about what each others manparts resmeble and paying homage to each other in public....
they can't very well say "I enjoy and admire your erection, fuck buddy" now can they??? They are subtle and clever and penetrating prime time, first with will and grace., and now the verbal lexicon, making all refernces to elephants instantly gay and hilarious.....
Or i could have heard them wrong and Im just chasing my tail again.....
time to go to school
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