ok, so the delusion is that i will publish my own series of magazines.
learning curve in effect. the first issue should be a little rough.
which leads me naturally to ROUGH WRITERS
which then morphs to RUFF Writer's
which leads naturally to a magazine about great dogs.....
stories about them, which leads us to the first charity
this works on a few levels
except for the fact that its clearly a fantasy at this point
my question is which of these alternate realities which I imagine bear fruit first?
I figure I got 13 magazines in me.
If we count "thieves and Asshole" which was true micro publishing....
as far as content i whave plenty to sift thru
i should probably solicit other voices and will need some picture or graphics eventually
so the first one will be rough, will be a call for help, will be just me shaking it up a little=
live arts reviews i think i will take from my blog
ill also do a feture my internet browsing favorites...i have a list of about 50...
when the words no longer flow , or im not in the mood to edit, i will go thru the list of internet favorites and write a brief summary of what it was that i was thinking by bookmarking those pages
bookmarking internet pages? is that an oxymoron?
ill ask a few writers i know for specific pieces and/or something they have which is rough
the first issue is a test issue anyway
its something to drop off at a coffee shoppe
something to show future potential advertsiers
and part of the fun will be im going to intentionally leave space in the magazine for the world to have room to draw pictures, add collages, poems, complaints about my mysogeny........
thats why its the ROUGH DRAFT....
and beause it came from a place where i was gambling and drinking i guess thats a minor theme
and music will always be a theme and love
so that sounds like a magaizine to me already.... all i have to do is cut and paste and then print up a few and then see where it goes from there.....
your boy BANGS!
i want to be the magazine worlds equivalent of your boy BANGS!
ha ha
learning curve in effect. the first issue should be a little rough.
which leads me naturally to ROUGH WRITERS
which then morphs to RUFF Writer's
which leads naturally to a magazine about great dogs.....
stories about them, which leads us to the first charity
this works on a few levels
except for the fact that its clearly a fantasy at this point
my question is which of these alternate realities which I imagine bear fruit first?
I figure I got 13 magazines in me.
If we count "thieves and Asshole" which was true micro publishing....
as far as content i whave plenty to sift thru
i should probably solicit other voices and will need some picture or graphics eventually
so the first one will be rough, will be a call for help, will be just me shaking it up a little=
live arts reviews i think i will take from my blog
ill also do a feture my internet browsing favorites...i have a list of about 50...
when the words no longer flow , or im not in the mood to edit, i will go thru the list of internet favorites and write a brief summary of what it was that i was thinking by bookmarking those pages
bookmarking internet pages? is that an oxymoron?
ill ask a few writers i know for specific pieces and/or something they have which is rough
the first issue is a test issue anyway
its something to drop off at a coffee shoppe
something to show future potential advertsiers
and part of the fun will be im going to intentionally leave space in the magazine for the world to have room to draw pictures, add collages, poems, complaints about my mysogeny........
thats why its the ROUGH DRAFT....
and beause it came from a place where i was gambling and drinking i guess thats a minor theme
and music will always be a theme and love
so that sounds like a magaizine to me already.... all i have to do is cut and paste and then print up a few and then see where it goes from there.....
your boy BANGS!
i want to be the magazine worlds equivalent of your boy BANGS!
ha ha
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