do not ask me how it happened,
but someone is actually paying me to write for them,
which makes me a .................................................................working author.
who would have ever figured out that i could pull a scam like this off?
Im not organized.
I am full of shit.
my idea of poetry is hitting the enter key
in the middle of sentences and ellipsese....i love me some ellipses....
my editing skills are vestigial(unless you pay me)
I never finish anything, (unless prompted to by an offer of payment.)
Its funny what happens when somone offers me money.
I start writing in complete sentences. I start making sense. I use spell-check. And they pay me!
Money that I will spend at organic foodstores, Vegan coffee shops, retaurants owned by my friends.
People who have helped me will be invited to parties.
I can spend it as fast as they send it to me.
Just watch me!
of course i will save some for uncle sam.
he gets his cut.
i want to be able to say I paid for that drone
i helped kill those four americans by accident
I paid for that west virginia hillbillies foodstamps
foodstamps which he sold at .45 cents on the dollar to the capitalist running the newest version of the company store.
feeding on the bones of those hillbillies too stubborn to leave their family parcel,
as the streams dissappear or fill with toxins, as mountain tops cease to exist and valleys are filled in.
i paid for that senator to make a heroic stand against the wishes of the vast majority of his constituents
i bought half of grannies medicare sponsoredhyper tension pill
I BAILED OUT THAT BANK so they could show a profit
so they wouldnt take their ball and go home
their ball being the economy
pinch me, Im living the dream!
on second thought don't.
i don't want to wake up!
the countdown is on long before i fuck up the LATEST perfect job?